You want that your budget is closely aligned to your organization’s planned goals and objectives. You want your budget to aim for maximizing operating income by maximizing contribution margin per unit of resource. We help you with these basic but utmost important ingredients. We help you to analyze and incorporate macro-economic realities and market outlook while budget guidelines are set. We help you include risk assessment and mitigation plan in your planning process so that you can avoid any unforeseen adverse event or mitigate the adverse impact on your business. In terms of cost, we help you have a robust cost management at place to track and control the flow of cost so that cost can be assigned to product at optimum way. We help you in choosing right product mix to maximize profit, in choosing right project by considering not only accounting cost, but implicit and opportunity cost. Overall, we help you in discovering and achieving your true profit potential.
We help you to solve the core business problems that impacts the bottom line. We partner with you in your journey of value creation. We make sure that the process is maintained and optimized while creating value. Our services help you in two ways, firstly to close any financial leakages and secondly to add improvement thereby insulating your business robustly.
Maven Source provides capabilities to streamline your budgeting process- which leads to efficient allocation of organizational resources. We implement industry best practice for the budgeting process. Strategic budgeting and optimum resource allocation consulting considers weighted average cost of capital, risk involved, cost advantage in alternative action, and macro economic factors among others, that might impact the return. We help you with functional support in operating budget and financial budget. We can help reduce budget complexity and cycle time.
Cementing any weak link in the business by comparing budgeted revenue and expenses with actual. Deeper level analysis of difference in budgeted v/s actual expense and revenue will help your business to identify significant variances and improve any sales volume, product mix, or manufacturing input variances. We help you setup a process to to warn you of the red flags if variances increases the threshold. Variance reporting will help you in managing your annual profit plan through Kaizen way by identifying the reasons of deviation from plan and improving on continuous basis.
The number says it all about the health of your business provided you see the story coming out of your numbers. We provide you the insights backed by numbers to help you decide on future course of action. We help you spot potential emerging risk in your business by constantly monitoring your numbers. Get timely insight on what is going on inside your business. A monthly / quarterly insight to monitor the pulse of your business.
Not all new plants, new products or new long term investments are profitable. We help you to see clear picture of life time cash flow of any new projects / product. We help you understand the break even year, NPV of the project, IRR of the project and whether there is alternate investment option with higher return. We help you know which investment opportunity capital project to invest in, which project amongst alternatives have the potential to maximize the value.
Cost is one of the critical success factors for firm’s success. We help your business taking smart decisions like most cost efficient way to manufacture a product, identifying the most profitable output level etc. Our strategic cost management consulting services focus on such strategic issues like cost, productivity, and effectiveness & efficiency.
We help you with value engineering to reduce cost while at the same time increasing value and satisfying customers’ need. We help you in critical decisions on pricing strategy and in making sure that business is producing at the optimum cost. We help you in altering product mix and quantity sold so that profit can be maximized.
Maven Source helps you optimize your working capital efficiently. We help you optimize cash management, inventories, receivables and payables so as to free up cash for higher return while protecting from possibility of insolvency.
Maven source is a group of people with passion and objective to unlock true potential of business by helping in strategic decision making.
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